Contact us

We love hearing from you. Whether you are looking for details about our products, information about your order or simply want to reach out to us. We do our best to reply to all inquiries as fast as we can.

Please contact us using the information below. We generally respond within 2-12 hours of your inquiry. Our support team always replies to all inquiries as fast as possible, but if you don’t get a response from us, please check your spam bin.

You also could check our FAQ page and/or Terms/Polices before contacting us in regards to general question. If you have question about product, please see the product description before emailing us.

Thank you,


Tel: +84971911080

Office Address: 10851 Hidden Pool Heights, Colorado Springs, CO 80908, United States

Representative Office In Asia: Floor 06, Zen Tower Building, No. 12 Khuat Duy Tien Street, Thanh Xuan Trung Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam

Note: Our office hours are Mon – Fri: 9AM- 5PM EST